What about delivery time?

Usually 3-8 weeks , due to Conoraviurs . But some country may take more than that.

Why delivery time become so long recently?

According Hong Kong Post Office & China Post Office "due to the substantial reduction in flight frequencies, outbound airmail items may be subject to considerable delays of more than two weeks in handing posted items to airlines subsequent to out completion of the handling procedures after posting."

Can i change the address?

If the package is shipped , i can't change that . So , please double check the address before you place order , make sure that is not wrong.
If the parcel lost when post office return to sender , the refund won't issue to you . Please understand.

What if the tracking said "Deliverd" but you don't receive the package.

In this situation, please contact your local post office, open a case, let them check it for you.

What if i find out item not in the parcel?

Please tell me within 2 days . Keep all the package materials and item for measure the weight . I will use it to compare .

Can i return the item if i don't like it?

Yes , but customer responsible for any shipping fee cost and please make sure the original package and item are in good condition , if it damaged or lost in transit , refund won't issue to you . (Refund of items price will issue when i received the parcel. Shipping fee will not refund)